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Damaged Sewer Line in Northern Virginia: Whose Responsibility Is It?

Calcification, aging lines, root growth, and shifting land: These can all cause small, or significant sewer line damage. Sewer line damage affects thousands of northern Virginians every year, and the results are often costly. We’re talking millions of dollars in repairs and maybe even increased taxes as our cities and counties shoulder the cost to repair faulty sewage infrastructure.

It’s exactly that question…“Who should pay to repair my damaged sewer lines?”

My Plumber Heating & Cooling has been asked time and time again. Unfortunately, there’s not a simple answer. Sometimes, the sewer lines are the responsibility of the property owner, and sometimes they’re the responsibility of the water company; and the best way to determine which are which is to consult your local water authority. (See below for a list of who to contact in your city and county.)

  • Prince William County Service Authority: (703) 335-7900
  • Fairfax (City and County) Water: (703) 698-5600
  • City of Manassas Water & Sewer: (703) 257-8381
  • Arlington County Water & Utilities: (703) 228-6555
  • Virginia American Water (for the City of Alexandria): (703) 491-2136
  • Loudoun Water: (571) 291-7880

The public water utility in your municipality is required by law to keep an up-to-date map that details the particulars of the sewer lines in and around your home.

So you found out that the damaged sewer line is your responsibility.

The section of sewer line that runs from the public line (usually found under the roadway) is considered private, and such, its repair and maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner. Interior drains — those pipes that carry your home’s waste to the sewer — are also the responsibility of the homeowner.

But take heed: If you determine there is damage to your private sewer lines, or to one or more drains in your home, do not try to repair or replace these pipes yourself.

Instead, call northern Virginia’s most experienced plumber.

The world class technicians at My Plumber Heating & Cooling are fully trained and licensed in the use of state-of-the-art equipment and technologies to solve all of your plumbing and drain problems, whether that problem entails a Barbie doll, or hot wheels toy car flushed down the toilet drain, or even a punctured sewer line that’s flooding your yard.

For all of your northern Virginia sewer line repair and replacement needs, call My Plumber Heating & Cooling, at (844) 294-8999.

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