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Is a Water Quality Check Necessary?

We use water in our homes for nearly everything we do: cooking meals, washing
our clothes, showering, to name a few. Water is an important utility in
your home, consumed by every family member from children to the elderly.
It’s necessary to test the quality of your home’s water source,
whether your home is new or old. Testing will determine if you need a
filtration system to improve your water quality.

So, if getting your water tested is on your mind, the answer should be yes.

Harmful Contaminants Found in Your Drinking Water

Both public and private water sources can pose a health concern due to
the possible presence of chemicals.

Groundwater is susceptible to many pollutants, including:

  • Chemicals such as arsenic and copper
  • Gasoline
  • Oil
  • Road salts
  • Low concentrations of THMs and HAAs – known carcinogens.
  • Diseases such as E.coli and the enterovirus

The water piped into your home is known as municipal water, and it comes
from a local water treatment facility. Here, your water is “cleaned”
by using chemicals intended to kill bacteria and other contaminants. You
may notice a slight chlorine odor in your tap water, similar to the smell
of a swimming pool.

Ensure Your Water is Safe with a Quality Check

If your water comes from a well, you should test it annually. In general,
regularly testing your water supply is the best way to stay healthy and
know if you’ll need to take additional actions.

Here are some signs that you need to test your water:

  • The taste or smell of you water seems odd.
  • Your water appears slightly yellow.
  • Your pipes are deteriorating.

We’ll test your water’s mineral content and impurities levels
so that you can take the proper actions if necessary.

Services to Improve Your Water Quality

If your water supply is contaminated, there are a few different
water services that can help keep your water clean.

Adding a water filtration system is the best way to keep your family safe.
At My Plumber, use Activated Carbon Filtration Systems. These systems
are known to remove many pollutants commonly found in drinking water.

In addition to filtration systems, We offer water softeners and conditioners
to decrease the mineral content of your water. Installing a water softener
can protect not only your
plumbing but also your water-using appliances, your skin, your dishes, and your laundry.

Are you concerned about your water quality? Find out with one of
My Plumber’s water quality testing services. Schedule an appointment for water
services in Northern Virginia by calling us at (844) 294-8999.

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