A Customer Has a Question for My Plumber
Recently we received an email from a customer of ours. He asked us to settle a difference of opinion he had with his wife and we were happy to oblige. The email question follows:
“My wife and I always use My Plumber for our plumbing needs and I was wondering if you could settle a little dispute we are having.I have started trying to help more around the house since she started her new job and part of my job is the laundry. After I dry clothes I like to hang them as quick as I can to keep the wrinkles out, then I hang the hanger on an exposed drain pipe in the basement ceiling.My wife says that this is a bad idea that it will hurt the plumbing and we will have to have you guys back out.Is she right about that?It doesn’t seem to me that a couple of shirts, a dress and two pairs of pants should cause a problem for the pipes.”
My Plumber’s Reply:
First, we commend you for sharing the household duties.But we have to agree with your wife on this one.Plumbing pipes are not designed to carry additional weight.Over time, the added stress of a little laundry will weaken connections and loosen fasteners, causing the pipes to leak.
We recommend purchasing a rolling laundry cart that has a bar across the top.The bar is designed for hanging clothes and will keep items wrinkle-free until you can get them to the folding table.Laundry carts are affordable and widely available, and could save you from hearing “I told you so.”
*If you have a general plumbing, heating or air conditioning question, please write to us at [email protected] and request a blog reply. We will be happy to answer.