With the balmy weather ahead, people are starting to come out of their winter huddle and enjoy the nice weather. All too soon, though, we’ll be miserable and sweltering in 90+ degree weather. Then it will be time to retreat to a nice, air-conditioned house. Unless your A/C conks out on you. What then?
That’s what makes a Spring HVAC tune-up so important! At the first hint of balmy weather, you can have your air conditioner serviced so that you’ll be confident that, when July hits, your house will stay chilly as an igloo.
A tune-up has a whole host of important benefits. Annual maintenance will simply make your unit last longer. The whole unit will be cleaned and every inch of it inspected and tested. This cleaning will also make it run more efficiently and with less wear and tear overall. The increased efficiency will also save you money in electric or gas costs and cool more quickly.
Plus, you’ll beat the rush by being proactive. The same way you can’t find a pool guy the week before Memorial Day, HVAC technicians are in high demand once the mercury starts climbing. Save yourself the hassle and book one now. Then it’s done with, and you can relax while your neighbors are calling A/C repair shops in Fairfax (give them our number, would you?).
For your Spring HVAC Tune-up, or any HVAC or air conditioning need, give My Plumber a call. You’ll be glad you did.