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You May Have a Hidden Water Leak in Your Northern Virginia Home

Some water leaks are easy to find: You know, those that leave water gushing out of walls or the ceiling, and the ones that flood your basement or your bathroom. Other times, water leaks are sneaky, and aren’t so easy to detect. We’ll admit that there’s no type of leak that’s a good leak, but it’s those hidden ones that are truly the most dangerous, because it’s those that can result in hundreds, or thousands of dollars in damage to your home — all without you even knowing it.

Scary, huh?

Never fear. There are a few telltale signs that might clue you in to a hidden water leak in your northern Virginia home.

Your water bill is outrageously high.

There are months when you look at the water bill and think, “Okay, I maybe should have not taken all those hour-long showers.” That’s one thing. But if you’re seeing month after month of overly high water bills (when you know you haven’t done anything out of the ordinary), you might have a hidden water leak in your northern Virginia home.

You’ve found mold or mildew on non-shower walls.

Leaky pipes hidden behind walls make the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. Yuck! If you’ve recently found mold or mildew growing on a non-shower wall, you might have a hidden water leak in your northern Virginia home.

Everything smells musty.

Water is great. And water is important. But when water sits around, stagnant, with nowhere to go, it gets… smelly. If your bathroom smells musty, clean it; if the mustiness remains, you might have a hidden water leak in your northern Virginia home.

Your walls, floor, or ceiling are warped or stained.

Sure, this issue could also be caused by higher than normal levels of humidity, so this is when other signs and symptoms come into play. Have you found mold and mildew on the walls of your home? Does one (or more) of the rooms in your home smell musty? Are your water bills higher than ever before?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, AND are dealing with warped, bubbled, or stained walls, you might have a hidden water leak in your northern Virginia home. And it’s probably time to call My Plumber. As northern Virginia’s plumbing experts, our experienced technicians will find, and repair your hidden water leak before it gets worse.

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