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Your Home’s Fall Maintenance Checklist

The weather outside is getting cooler. Before it feels like it’s below freezing outside, it’s best to check your HVAC now. This will help keep your home warm during the chillier months.

Checklist For Your Home’s Fall Maintenance

Gutters and Downspouts

  • Clean gutters and downspouts to prevent the buildup of leaves, dirt, and other debris. If you neglect your gutters, it can lead to multiple issues like wood rot problems and pest infestations.

  • Check behind your gutters to ensure water there isn’t any water flowing. Also, check that all support brackets are securely in place.

  • Ensure that water drains properly. If you notice pooling at your driveway, foundation, or walkway, call a professional.

Windows and Doors

  • Change the summer screens on your doors to cool weather storm doors and windows.

  • Inspect your doors and windows and repair anything that’s loose or damaged.

  • Weatherstrip your doors and windows to prevent any drafts over the winter and high heating bills.

Heating System

  • Replace the filter in your furnace.

  • Schedule a maintenance appointment so a professional can check on the performance of your system and if there are any minor repairs.

  • Schedule an appointment to clean your air ducts so your heating system can efficiently heat your home. This will also provide relief to those with allergies.

Attic Ventilation

  • Check your attic to make sure none of your vents are covered in the eaves — this will help prevent ice dams on the roof.

Read more: Winterizing your HVAC Systems: Do and Don’ts

Contact our team today for reliable plumbing and HVAC maintenance in Northern Virginia or the surrounding areas—call (844) 294-8999 to get started!

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