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Joan Robinson of My Plumber Plus Honored with Call Handler Award for Customer Service Excellence

(Left: Joan Robinson – Customer Service Representative, My Plumber Plus. Right: Phil Hopkins – Director of Operations, My Plumber Plus)

Prestigious Plaque Presented by CallSource at the Nexstar Super Meeting

On the evening of September 21, 2022, Mark Presgrave (My Plumber Plus, Co-Owner and President) accepted the prestigious Call Handler Award plaque on behalf of his customer service representative, Joan Robinson. Joan was selected out of 1000 Customer Service Representatives from over 300 companies. The award ceremony took place in Austin, Texas during the Nexstar Super Meeting, an annual strategic planning retreat for top-tier organizations in the trades. 

A few men holding a plaque

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(Left: Ben Schiftan – Strategic Partner Manager, CallSource. Right: Mark Presgrave – Co-Owner and President, My Plumber Plus)

Joan’s award was presented by CallSource, a performance and call management company specializing in coaching customer service excellence. The Call Handler Award program recognizes outstanding call handlers in the CallSource Nexstar Cubeside Coaching program.  

“I’m truly honored to receive this recognition from CallSource and Nexstar. Thank you! The CallSource scoring system and one-on-one coaching sessions showed me how small refinements to my approach can make a big difference to the customer experience. I want to thank my coach Cindy for being so helpful and motivating, and My Plumber Plus for making this tool available. It works!” – Joan Robinson, Customer Service Representative at My Plumber Plus

When selecting a winner, the CallSource call coaches review and nominate candidates from many companies that they have seen the most consistent improvement in call handling skills and continued dedication to customer experience. Selected finalists then go through a voting process amongst the CallSource coaches. 

According to the CallSource Business Advisor team, “Joan stood out to the team as a shining star with her overall engagement in the sessions, hard work to continuously improve, and positive attitude in her sessions and with her team. Joan is recognized as the leader of the team. It is clear that everyone looks up to her and that her coworkers learn from just listening to her calls.”

“Joan has been a pleasure to work with from the beginning. It is apparent that she really has passion for the customer and does all that she can do to help the customer on every call. As we learned the Nexstar call process, she was very intentional in learning the process and applying these to her calls. Even through difficult calls, Joan keeps it professional and takes care of the customer. She is very deserving of this recognition and award.” – Joan’s Call Coach, Cindy 

For more information: 

CallSource: www.callsource.com

Nexstar: www.nexstarnetwork.com

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