The holidays are just around the corner. This is a great time not only to celebrate with family and friends but also to reflect on the resources we have and our ability to give back to our neighbors who might not have enough to eat.
This year, My Plumber Heating Cooling & Electrical is partnering with Capital Area Food Bank to collect food items for those who might need a little assistance. From now until December 20, 2019, we’ll be accepting canned and packaged items to send to food banks.
We’re reaching out to our neighbors to make this food drive a success. By donating items, you will be helping others in the community have access to good, nutritious meals. The next time you’re out grocery shopping, consider putting a little extra in your cart for those in need.
What Food Items Can I Donate?
We’re looking to collect healthy options for our neighbors.
The types of food items you can donate include:
- Canned or dry beans: Beans are high in protein and are filling. They also contain fiber and Vitamin B, making them a nutritious food option.
- Canned vegetables: Vegetables are full of vitamins and fiber, and when canned, they have a long shelf life. Low-sodium options are best.
- Peanut butter: Peanut butter is another high-protein food and a favorite among adults and children alike.
- Grains: These include items such as brown and white rice, pasta, and macaroni & cheese. Food banks use these items with others to make full meals.
- Hot and cold cereals: Whole-grain cereals that are low in sugar make a healthy breakfast item that keeps individuals full.
- Canned tuna, salmon, or chicken: These items are highly versatile, as food banks use them to add to other foods and make a delicious meal.
- Healthy snacks: Items such as granola bars, raisins, popcorn, and nuts are a hot item at food banks, as they can be packed with lunches or handed out to those on the go.
- Canned or dried fruits: Fruits make a healthy snack for kids and adults, as they are high in Vitamin C and nutrients. For canned options, consider purchasing items packed in fruit juice or water as opposed to syrup. Food banks also are grateful to receive plastic jars of unsweetened applesauce.
- 100% juice: Whether in a box or plastic bottle, juice is a great item to donate to food banks.
- Canned soups and stews: Soups and stews provide a warm nutritious meal, as they contain both proteins (from meats) and vegetables. Food banks appreciate low-sodium options to serve healthy bowls to neighbors.
- Crackers: These can be used as a snack or as a base for other meals.
- Shelf-stable milk: This item requires no refrigeration and can stay on shelves for a while. Also, it is a great source of calcium and protein.
- Cooking oils: Food banks rely on canola and olive oils to cook meals. These options are relatively healthy because they contain monounsaturated fats.
What Items Can I Not Donate?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept all food items for the drive.
The following is a list of things to avoid donating:
- Glass jars: Items that come in glass jars can easily break in transit.
- Fresh dairy: Most cheeses, milk, and other fresh dairy products must be refrigerated and can spoil quickly.
- Junk food: Steer clear of items such as candy and potato chips. Food banks want to provide neighbors with healthy meal options.
- Fresh produce and meat: As with dairy products, these items may require refrigeration to keep them fresh, and food banks might not have the resources to store them.
- Sugar drinks: Avoid donating beverages with added sugars, such as sodas and some juice drinks.
- Home-baked goods: Most food banks can’t accept items that aren’t properly packaged.
We give a heartfelt thank you to all of our friends in the community seeking to help with this year’s food drive.
To learn more about the event, reach out to My Plumber Heating Cooling & Electrical by calling (844) 294-8999. You can also request a heating, air conditioning, electrical, or plumbing service in Fairfax by contacting us online.