Since the beginning of its Warm Hands and Full Hearts Food Drive program
in 2004, My Plumber Heating and Cooling has collected about 85,000 pounds of food for those
who are experiencing food insecurity in the area. Unfortunately, the economic
slowdown has contributed to a dramatic reduction in collections in the
last couple of years, but My Plumber has a plan to turn that around.
My Plumber will add a dollar’s worth of food to the Warm Hands and
Full Hearts Food Drive for every member of the community who “likes”
the company on Facebook (up to 5,000 people). The company hopes to see
an outpouring of support for the food drive that begins with mouse clicks
and expands to real world donations.
“We have had days that you couldn’t get through the office
without tripping over the food,” said company Vice President Mark
Presgrave recently. “Days that we took 500 pounds of food to a shelter
it caused a celebration.” He added, “Providing food fits with
the work we do. Plumbing service specifically addresses something that
is basic and absolutely necessary to the health and well-being of the
community. Raising food is something that has become a part of our company
personality. We had to find a way to ensure it continues.”
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