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Why Should I Change My Air Filter?

One of the most essential pieces of your HVAC system is the filter. This important part helps trap allergens and debris when they go airborne, ultimately preventing them from making their way into your air ducts. However, while this filter should be replaced regularly, some homeowners overlook it and keep the same old filter in place for many months.

That said, here’s why you should replace your air filter more often:

Why Should I Replace My Air Filter?

Will Help Improve Efficiency

Believe it or not, your air filter plays a significant role in helping your HVAC system work much more efficiently. Think about it like this: when airborne debris becomes trapped in your filter, they stay there until the filter is replaced (or washed, if it’s reusable). Now, if your filter becomes completely caked in debris, it can bog down your HVAC system’s performance.

This will make your HVAC system work twice as hard to produce cold air. In the long run, not replacing a filter can shorten your unit’s lifespan, something no homeowner wants to do.

Will Help Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

While air filters help block airborne debris from your unit, they also help make sure that you and your loved ones are not breathing in those harmful contaminants that can be brought into your home (i.e., walking around your humble abode with your shoes on).

Failure to replace a worn-out air filter can help airborne pollutants drift inside of your unit and will deliver them with the cold air that is distributed around your home. Typically, with regular use, you should replace your air filters every two-to-three months (minimum). This will help keep your system in pristine condition as well as help improve your indoor air quality.

Learn more about your home’s air filters with our complete guide!

Professional HVAC Services in Northern Virginia and Maryland You Can Trust!

Rely on My Plumber Heating Cooling & Electrical for your cooling and indoor air quality needs this summer. To schedule your appointment, call (844) 294-8999.

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